Monday, February 8, 2010

Bad Vaginal Odor Right After Period....?


So the day right after my period ends I get this really bad vaginal odor that last 1-2 and by the next day the odor is completely gone there is not itching, redness, discolored discharge and I don't experience it until the end of my next period. I went to the gyno last June and got a pap smear and everything was normal but I was curious if anyone else experienced this and what happened if you went to the doctor and what your doctor said. I plan on seeing a doctor next week to make sure everything is ok but just wanted to hear if other woman experienced this. Serious answers only please


It's just bacteria my sister went through the same thing its not a STD tell your doctor about the symptoms and he/she will prescribe a vaginal gel

Source: Yahoo Answers

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