Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Menstrual Odor: How to Get Rid of Menstrual Odor?

Menstrual odor can be a matter of concern for many women. We know it can be quite embarrassing for you to smell like a fish during your periods. Relax, the odor is more obvious to you than to others. It is normal to experience some menstrual odor during your monthly periods. So, there’s no need to panic. However, by following a few steps to get rid of menstrual odor, you can beat the stink.

Tips to get rid of menstrual odor:

Change frequently: It is advisable to change your tampons or sanitary pads as often as possible during heavy flow. It will prevent infection and keep you fresh. The number of changes depends upon the flow.

Use pads: In addition to the tampons, you can use a sanitary pad to arrest the foul smell. This will help you get rid of menstrual odor effectively.

No to fragrance: No matter what, don’t use fragrance or powder down there. It might lead to an infection.

Say yes to cotton: Switch to cotton panties, dump the pantyhose, nylons and synthetics. Wear comfortable and breathable fabrics to deal with menstrual odor.

Keep it clean: Needless to say, wash the vaginal area with warm water and medicated perineal wash. Clean the area from front to back and not vice versa. Don’t forget to wash the region after urinating.

Consult a doc: If the vaginal odor is unbearable, chances are there might be an underlying problem. Consult a doctor to rule out any other medical condition.

Shave: Keep the vaginal area free from the pubic hair. Sometimes the blood gets trapped in the hair and might smell “yucky”

Yogurt all the way: Include yogurt in your diet. Yogurt consists of lactobacilli which helps in maintaining healthy vaginal region.

Don’t be ashamed of your monthly cycle, instead get rid of the menstrual odor.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lost Tampon Cause Vaginal Odor?

Here is an interesting article I was reading on the internet about another female who has had vagina odor after a lost tampon was extracted from her *ahem.. genital.

Gentle doctor, I am seeking tampon advice,

Here is the question I have: since getting my tampon (extravagantly) extracted on December 31 I still have a faint smell, sometimes, that seems to derive from a white fluid. Do you think the ER did not get the whole thing out? Do you think it's possible that I put another tampon in in my sleep or something and did it AGAIN, like some crazed psychopath? I'm deathly afraid of this (very faint, but *there*) odor.

Dear Gentle Sufferer,

My heart goes out to you! I only wish my stethoscope and gloved hands could go out to you too - but, sadly, I cannot practice medicine, render medical services, or give individual medical advice over the internet (even as I type those words, teams of lawyers in nun-habits are standing by with a ruler in each hand, eager to rap a straying knuckle).

HOWEVER, all that being said (and mutually agreed upon, including Article 9, subsection ii, re: involuntary commitment), here are some general health tidbits that MIGHT or MIGHT NOT apply to your situation (you be the judge):

1) If a tampon is lost, it tends, over time, to disintegrate. Not into a total mush - just enough to become what we in medicine call "friable" (oh, if only the odor were also KFC-like "friable"). What "friable" means is that, when it is dislodged by a speculum/gloved finger or ill-advised home-implement, bits and pieces can break off. I shudder to think precisely what your having your tampon extracted "extravagantly" might mean, but it sounds like the opposite of, say, "competently" or "smoothly." There is always a good chance that some portion of the tampon still resides inside a fold, nook or cranny.

2) Tampons, while lost, also try to compost themselves - which means that an amazing overgrowth of bacteria can occur. Philosophically, you might legitimately say that each of us humans is merely a sophisticated bacteria transportation device. We cannot, in fact, even digest our food or provide a warm, cuddly and safe vaginal environment for sperm (and, consequently, for the reproduction of ourselves) without the little tyrannical suckers. When it comes to germs, we walk around carrying virtual villages, cities, nay, entire (har) cultures of bacteria. We swim in a soup of them - thankfully almost every last one is a as law-abiding and staid as an Amish farmer. Only a microscopically few, for most of us, turn out to be stalking psychopaths with terrorist tendencies. But when one of those communities of hard-working bacteria (translation: your vagina) is massively disrupted by, say, a lost tampon, it's like the fall of the Roman Empire (when being Goth had a whole different meaning). That smell, ultimately, is germs run amok. Warning: desperately bad smells can provoke desperate reactions - none of which are advisable. Douching, "bleach baths" and other word-of-mouth tricks will only disrupt your wonderful yogurty vagina cultures even more. Destroying what's trying to be rebuilt will NOT help recovery. So what will? Sometimes, in order to get stinky foreign bacterial overgrowths under control, you need a good evaluation to make sure that's TRULY what's going on, some tests, and possibly (if bacterial vaginosis is actually the diagnosis) the right kind of disaster-relief antibiotics so your normal civilization can get back on its basement membranes.

3) Lost tampons can be a red herring (and no, I'm not talking about the smell).A red-herring, in medicine, is when something is so overwhelmingly obvious (like a lost tampon), that it means a doctor misses another, important diagnosis. So what ELSE could be going on? For many women, lost tampons CAN occur after a particularly, say, distracted time-(har)-period. "Distracted" to one person may mean finals are coming up. "Distracted" to another person may mean a six-day mind-blowing binge. Under these circumstance, (so much studying and/or so many lines of coke) many of us are not at our best when it comes to consistently using safer sex practices. Just because a lost tampon was removed, that doesn't mean a person doesn't ALSO need or deserve an excellent "checking under the hood" for other potential infections/issues (and no, "hood" is not a euphemism - but hey, it could be!). While focused on removing a lost tampon, many doctors could neglect to test you for STDs/STIs, and those can certainly cause on-going smells +/- discharge.

Bottom line: Any gal with a persistent smell for more than 3-4 days after a lost tampon removal needs a good re-evaluation. You may ask - is that 3-4 days a hard and fast number? Like most things in medicine - nope. For some women, the smell goes away essentially immediately. For others, the smell decreases rapidly and keeps decreasing over about 4 days. But for anyone who's made it a week later and has still got a pretty obvious smell - that's definitely NOT OKAY. Which leads us to the real question:

How does a girl get excellent medical care if she's living on a shoe-string (or would that be tampon-string?). Here are some general tips: 1) STD clinics are one of our most under-recognized national treasures. Especially in large cities (where they often go by very vague names - the one in San Francisco is called The City Clinic), these are healthcare providers who do nothing but orifices, smells, sores, and drips all day, every day (kind of mind-blowing when you really think about it - these people are so amazing, they can STILL eat tuna sandwiches!). They know their stuff. Their services are generally cheap, and they won't bat an eye, no matter how extravagant or esoteric your sexual peccadilloes are (unless, perhaps, you use the word "peccadilloes"). They are extremely competent at discussing any topic sensitively, no matter how taboo - including that most closeted of medical topics- MONEY. They are mega-efficient too - if you have an infection that needs treating, they (of all healthcare providers) are the most likely to hand you as many "partner packs" as you need, so that everyone can get treated for the cost of one person's visit. And hey, you can go home afterward with your own freebie souvenir - they usually have, sitting on a counter, a giant candy-bowl of Take One! condoms.

2) Planned Parenthood ranks right up there with the STD clinics. The only reason I list them second is that I find it hard to list them simultaneously. And, granted, in some more rural areas, you may find a bit of unease (not exactly discomfort, merely unease) when discussing the more graphic details of sexual exotica. And, finally, these clinics are (unlike most STD clinics) fairly one-gendered in their client populations. Otherwise, Planned Parenthood gets the same four-out-of-four stethoscopes up for cost, expertise, availability and basic human kindness.

3) Shop around - some states even have laws requiring hospitals to provide potential cost information upfront to patients. Unfortunately, government's enforcement of those laws has been about as effective as their reigning in of executive bonuses (and for probably similar reasons...). But more and more hospitals and clinics are moving towards providing cost estimates for prospective patients. And you may be surprised at what you find - some private, chi-chi hospitals are BETTER at disclosure, price and accommodating payment plans than, say, university or non-profit hospitals.

4) Is there a DIY class, say at Home Depot, you could take? Unfortunately, no. As someone who's gone hunting to take down the rabid Lost Tampon on many occasions, I can tell you honestly - this is one safari you don't want to undertake without a decent guide. Some things, however painfully expensive, are just worth the price (professionally done highlights, an OCD electrician to re-wire your home, and a warmed, experienced speculum-driver for your vagina, to name a few).

Here's hoping you receive all the best health and healthcare you so richly deserve,

Best regards,

Doc Gurley

Read more:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Men Cologne... With The Scent of A Woman's Vagina

Vagina odor...smelly? Think again!

A German company has just designed VULVA, a new men cologne fragrance that smells like a WOMAN’s sweaty vagina.

According to the creators of product Vulva is “the erotic, intimate scent of an irresistible woman… the vaginal odor filled into a small glass phial. The phial is shaken gently, only a tiny amount of the desirable substance is applied onto the back of the hand….and the irresistible smell that exudes from a sensuous vagina immediately intensifies your erotic fantasies.

Sounds like this cologne is going to be a great hit in Japan, where men buy women undies from a machine dispenser.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Insider tips for your next gynecologist visit

Secrets from the gynecologist's office -- insider's tips you should hear before your next visit.

Every wondered what your GYNO was thinking or what kind of care your gynecologist gets? Here are some tips!
  1. Don't worry about shaving your legs. Really, If it is winter we probably haven't shaved ours either. We don't look at your legs and if you haven't shaved it really doesn't register with us. Really!
  2. Be careful about the shoes you wear. Why? Some of those cute summer shoes when worn without socks or nylons can produce a pretty distinctive odor. During an exam your feet are on either side of us, so any foot odor is coming to us in stereo.
  3. Do not have sex 48 hours before your exam. Sperm and semen can hang around for 48 hours in the vagina. Enough said!
  4. If you are on your period call to speak with a nurse and find out if you should come. If it is for a Pap smear and your doctor uses a liquid based method it won't be a problem but it is with traditional glass slide collection methods. If your problem is vaginal discharge reschedule, we won't see anything but blood in your sample if you are on your period. If your problem is abnormal or heavy blooding come on in when you are on your period. It may even make some of the tests easier.
  5. Don't use baby wipes on your bottom. Not ever. They actually contain a lot of chemicals and can cause allergic reactions and even paradoxically increase odor.
  6. Same goes for douches. Not ever. Douches are as bad for the vagina as cigarettes are for the lungs. The packaging even contains similar warnings! Douches increase your risk of getting very serious infections in the genital tract (that may result in foul vaginal odor).
  7. Every wonder what your GYNO uses for birth control? One of the most popular methods is an IUD, specifically Mirena IUD as by 1 year 80 percent of women will have no periods or very light periods.
  8. Buy the morning after pill and keep it at home. You are more likely to use it if you have it at home.
Article source:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vagina Odor

Vagina odor, more politely referred to as feminine odor, is an issue many women are embarrassed to discuss about in public.

If untreated, this unpleasant genital odor can linger for years; and it can arise in almost any woman of reproductive age.

The root cause of this odor for many women is an excessive amount of bad bacteria existing in the vagina; this can be caused by discharges occurring after menstruation or sex, by a bacterial infection, or by things as seemingly insignificant as tight clothes, insufficient hygiene, douching, or even too much washing.

For any women trying to find out how to get rid of vaginal odor, read on for some advice about feminine odor.

Yogurt can be a good defense against vaginal odor. This is because of the good bacteria that live in yogurt; these good bacteria help to keep the bad bacteria in check. Eating plain yogurt every day, or even inserting a tampon soaked in yogurt into the vagina, can help to combat vaginal odor.

Because of its anti-fungal properties, tea tree is also used to help eliminate the bad bacteria that may be contributing to vaginal odor. To address the issue of feminine odor with tea tree oil, simply wash the vagina with a mixture of lukewarm water and several drops of tea tree oil.

Vaginal odor can be kept at bay by avoiding overly tight clothing and panties; clothing that is too tight does not allow the vaginal area to "breathe" the way it needs to. For good air circulation in the vaginal area switch to all-cotton panties. Panty liners are another option to help absorb moisture and discharge.

Be careful not to unwittingly contribute to the odor by douching or too much washing in the vaginal area; either of these things can actually destroy the good bacteria that are necessary for vaginal health. Scented soaps and other forms of body wash can also aggravate the problem, so these should be avoided as well.

Another remedy that you may want to try is Femanol, a popular herbal supplement taken orally to get rid of vaginal odor. It contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral herbs and vitamins that helps eliminate the root cause of vaginal odor by destroying the odor-causing bacteria.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bad Vaginal Odor Right After Period....?


So the day right after my period ends I get this really bad vaginal odor that last 1-2 and by the next day the odor is completely gone there is not itching, redness, discolored discharge and I don't experience it until the end of my next period. I went to the gyno last June and got a pap smear and everything was normal but I was curious if anyone else experienced this and what happened if you went to the doctor and what your doctor said. I plan on seeing a doctor next week to make sure everything is ok but just wanted to hear if other woman experienced this. Serious answers only please


It's just bacteria my sister went through the same thing its not a STD tell your doctor about the symptoms and he/she will prescribe a vaginal gel

Source: Yahoo Answers

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