Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vagina Odor

Vagina odor, more politely referred to as feminine odor, is an issue many women are embarrassed to discuss about in public.

If untreated, this unpleasant genital odor can linger for years; and it can arise in almost any woman of reproductive age.

The root cause of this odor for many women is an excessive amount of bad bacteria existing in the vagina; this can be caused by discharges occurring after menstruation or sex, by a bacterial infection, or by things as seemingly insignificant as tight clothes, insufficient hygiene, douching, or even too much washing.

For any women trying to find out how to get rid of vaginal odor, read on for some advice about feminine odor.

Yogurt can be a good defense against vaginal odor. This is because of the good bacteria that live in yogurt; these good bacteria help to keep the bad bacteria in check. Eating plain yogurt every day, or even inserting a tampon soaked in yogurt into the vagina, can help to combat vaginal odor.

Because of its anti-fungal properties, tea tree is also used to help eliminate the bad bacteria that may be contributing to vaginal odor. To address the issue of feminine odor with tea tree oil, simply wash the vagina with a mixture of lukewarm water and several drops of tea tree oil.

Vaginal odor can be kept at bay by avoiding overly tight clothing and panties; clothing that is too tight does not allow the vaginal area to "breathe" the way it needs to. For good air circulation in the vaginal area switch to all-cotton panties. Panty liners are another option to help absorb moisture and discharge.

Be careful not to unwittingly contribute to the odor by douching or too much washing in the vaginal area; either of these things can actually destroy the good bacteria that are necessary for vaginal health. Scented soaps and other forms of body wash can also aggravate the problem, so these should be avoided as well.

Another remedy that you may want to try is Femanol, a popular herbal supplement taken orally to get rid of vaginal odor. It contains antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral herbs and vitamins that helps eliminate the root cause of vaginal odor by destroying the odor-causing bacteria.

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